Friday 27 November 2015

How well is your ‪Website Developed?

Ask yourself, is it mobile responsive?
More than 51% of online visitors are using mobile devices to connect. Google actually penalizes websites that are not responsive and websites that lack in this domain are losing the greatest share of the market.

Not to mention the impact of your social media links,
Social media is an inseparable phenomenon of the online life we live today. Websites lacking links to your social media accounts are doomed to be isolated and ignored.

Last but not least, do you keep your visitors waiting?
Load time is very critical for a website; if any visitor trying to check out your link has to wait and look at a white page and read the “loading” message, there’s a great potential that the “5-seconds-chance” times out and you lose another opportunity.

 On the other hand, having a short load time doesn’t mean you’re doing well!
This might come from a very low usage of tools and images.
Hence, the most important rule here is, being user-friendly and making everything faster and easier.

Want to see how well you're performing online:
Go to "" & check your website there.
You will see what’s behind the scenes and how it is performing.

You think you're not abiding and losing visitors? Contact Comelite and we'll bring your customers to your site.

Sunday 23 August 2015

What is Your Logo Saying?

As with anything, humans are visual creatures. We can recall visual sites from memory more easily than words or sounds. This visualization process becomes useful for promoting a product. The more a person is exposed to a product, the more familiar the logo attached becomes.
This creates a lasting impression of the product in the back of the minds of consumers.

We are exposed to marketing nearly every second of the day, no matter where we are. At home, all of our appliances have logos on them. We have markers for brands in our cabinets, our refrigerators and bathrooms. We wear clothing that has brand logos on them, helping to market the product and the company. Our computers have brand logos and stickers on them, subtly helping us form a connection in our mind to a particular product.

Companies know that symbols work for people of all nationalities, languages and cultures. An iconic logo can be identified quickly and associated with a product.
Everyone practically from anywhere can quickly identify logos such as Nike’s check-mark, Apple’s bitten apple logo or McDonald’s golden arches.
Even if some people cannot think of the name but they know what it represents. This subliminal advertising creates brand loyalty from a picture.

When we're thinking about marketing and advertising, we think of banner ads, television and radio commercials, pictures in magazines and billboards.
We seldom think of the many brand markers and logos that are everywhere in society.
Nearly every product one sees, buys, or uses has a logo attached to it. These logos are not just pretty markers for the product, but carefully designed marks to allow someone to know the company and product subconsciously.

The Importance of Your Logo:

Companies spend thousands of dollars designing logos for their products.
They spend hundreds of dollars in copy-writing and trademarking their logos. Millions of dollars are spent per year promoting the icon through print and video advertisements.
For every dollar spent in design, marketing, and trademarking a logo, a company spends two dollars protecting that logo.

The connections between a symbol and a product allow for companies to build customer loyalty throughout the generations. So long as their products remain high quality and reasonably priced, these companies know that their iconography will keep customers returning for years to come.

So, get your brand, stationary and logo and make that impression. You want to be seen and heard? It's all about the logo. It really does all the talking...
Christina Bame


Sunday 16 August 2015

How to promote your business with IT Solutions: Still thinking of what to do to enhance your sales...

How to promote your business with IT Solutions: 

Still thinking of what to do to enhance your sales?

Are you constantly thinking of different ways to get your products and services noticed by as many people as possible without breaking the ...

Friday 14 August 2015

Still thinking of what to do to enhance your sales?

Are you constantly thinking of different ways to get your products and services noticed by as many people as possible without breaking the bank?
I think this is the question everyone thinks of and strives to be the best in, even small businesses.
Have you tried everything?
What's the answer and solution?

If you search the net, you'll probably find a million and one answers and suggestions on social media tips and views. Though they are all correct and essential, there's one element in marketing which one usually prefers not to consider:

Video production

Online video is growing exponentially, with over 4 billion videos viewed daily.
Using YouTube for your business can be a cost-effective way to grow it, if used regularly as part of your marketing strategy.
Using YouTube for your business can help you easily reach your audience, both by creating videos and advertising on other people’s videos

Well, it's very logical actually.
YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine and the 3rd most visited website WORLDWIDE

behind only Google and Facebook respectively.

How many people do you think visit YouTube on a monthly basis?
1 billion people each month globally!
That's 100 hours of video being uploaded every 60 seconds!

Now that I have your attention, you're probably thinking to yourself, what does this have to do with me? I'm a small business and none of this affects me.
As a matter of fact, as I mentioned earlier, small businesses are constantly thinking of getting their products and services in front of as many people as possible, all without exceeding their annual budget.
Using YouTube can be a cost-effective way to grow your business.

Still not sure if YouTube can help grow your business?
Here are 5 benefits that YouTube can provide to your business:

1- Video-streaming platforms like YouTube have become so big you’re guaranteed to find a group of people who will become your raving fans and customers, as long as you educate, entertain and provide solutions to their problems.
2- Marketing On YouTube will help you get found on Google
3- By utilizing YouTube as part of your marketing strategy for your business, you’re also increasing the authority of your website. The more authoritative your website is in Google’s eyes, the higher all your pages will rank in the search results
4- Associate your domain name with your YouTube channel.
Associating your website with your channel will tell YouTube that you are the official representation of your brand on YouTube. This results in more relevant video results pointing to your business when someone searches for your brand or terms relating to the services you offer.
5- Grow Your Audience Worldwide.
Consistently creating video content opens the door to new visitors who would never come across your business any other way. Through YouTube, you can reach a worldwide audience even if you only speak one language.

Thinking of creating a video? Contact me and we'll produce your marketing video in any way you want it: 

 2D, 3D info-graphic, typographic, whiteboard, commercial etc.

Monday 27 July 2015

What are the Advantages of having a Website for your Business?

Still not sure if you need a website for your business? 
Maybe it's not the right time or you still have to think about it? 
Or maybe you do have a site, but it's something very plain and maybe not professionally developed?
It's best to first understand the advantages of having a website for your business, then you can decide whither it's time or not. Not to mention that in this modern era, people and companies are on the internet for information. So, if the first question complies to you and you've answered "No," then it's as if your business doesn't exist.
Why do you think people visit a website? 
It’s primarily to find information and if you’re in the business world, information is critical.
You need to have a website for your customers and it needs to contain information about what you can do for them.  
Check out these 13 points on the advantages of a website and let me know your comments: 

Less Expensive
Investing in advertising is necessary, but it takes a lot of money. Having a website will make promoting your company less expensive. Many versions of offline advertising available on the internet are sometimes free.

A website is more environmental friendly when it comes to advertising and marketing. There are lots of ways to advertise your products or services through the internet. One example is Facebook ads, an advertising feature offered through Facebook. Another one is called SEO.  This is a major advantage for your business. Having a good SEO service provider can boost the ranking of your website which quickly results in increased sales and higher profits.

Having a website will be more convenient for your customers and leads. Make it easy for your customers to purchase from you! Many will be more likely to visit your website, rather than driving a car to your physical location and browsing for your products. From a customer’s point of view, it’s better for them if they don’t have to ask anything. They can just find what they’re looking for on your online site.

Increase Customers
Most business have local popularity, but what about potential customers outside their city?  A website can help you generate more customers. Not just outside your city, but worldwide. The internet offers a global community. With a website, your business will be visible around the world.

Have you ever experienced having to turn customers away because it’s closing time? Well, you don’t have to close the doors of your website.  An online site can be visited anytime of the day or night. People will look to your site instead of going to your shop because it is more accessible. Just make sure to post enough information about your products and services.

Access to Info
Did you know that if you own a website, you can actually track everything that is happening on it? You can even look for information that will tell you how many people visited your site, or how many people messaged or emailed you. You can access the progress of your website and view all its pages. You can even make an update anytime, making it much less expensive than printed material.

Smart business owners create a blog page for their company. Having a blog to post fresh content will keep your website attractive and fresh.

Links are very important to viral marketing. If you have many sites linking to you, it is like spreading the word about your company all around the world. If you have a good website with good content related to information, products or services, people are more likely to link your website to theirs. This means they recognize your website as valuable.

Better Relationship
Having a website can build better relationships with your customers. You can send messages instantly to your customers through email. Also, your customers can review your products online and can also leave feedback for you and your business. It’s best to always send your customer a message. This is essential for building a good relationship with them. You can even give them more information about your business through messages or emails.

Increase Sales
If you are a business owner, more visitors  leads to more potential sales. That’s how your website will help you. You can drive more people to your site by consistently updating and promoting the contents of your site. The more informative your site is, the greater the possibility of increasing your sales.

A website gives you the opportunity to prove your credibility. You have to tell your customers why you deserve their trust through your website. This can earn positive feedback for your service and products. Also, your website serves as a place for a potential investor to explore what your business is about and what it can do in the future.

Long Term Clients
What do you think is the difference between client and a customer? Well, a customer is the one who walks in and buys something and that’s it. A client is your regular customer. He is buying your products or services daily or contractually. Having a website gives you a chance to gain more clients that can help your business grow.

Now that you have read about the advantages of a website, don't you think it's time to create the right one for your business?
Contact us and we'll give you the best solution to not only promote your business but also get you ahead of your competitors.

Sunday 12 July 2015

7 Benefits of Getting your Business a Mobile App

 In case you are still not sure why anyone would want to build their own mobile platform for their business, here are 7 benefits of going down this path and getting your business on mobile devices.

1. Be Visible to Customers at All Times
Statistics show that the average person spends more than two hours a day (!) on his or her mobile device. While probably only a handful of applications make up the bulk of this total usage, it doesn’t change the fact that each user has to unlock, scroll, and scan their device for the apps they’re looking for. Being “in the way” can be an advantage to your company, as our mind unconsciously does record every image and text (or well-designed app icon!) it comes across — even if it happens unnoticed.

2. Create a Direct Marketing Channel
Apps serve many functions: they can provide general info, prices, booking forms, search features, user accounts, messengers, news feeds, and much more.
One of the biggest benefits of having a mobile app is that all the information you’d like to provide to your customers – including special sales and promotions – is right at their fingertips. Through push notifications you’re getting even closer to a direct interaction, and can easily remind customers about your products and services whenever it makes sense.

3. Provide Value to Your Customers
Talking about on-hand information, how about digitalizing that loyalty program you have in place? Instead of sticking to the old point-collection card, make it possible for your customers to collect their rewards via your mobile app. The result? More downloads and more return customers.

4. Build Brand and Recognition
A mobile app for your business can greatly contribute to your brand awareness and add to your recognition. How?

   * Brand. A mobile app is like a blank billboard sign. You can do what you want with it; you can make it stylish, hip, functional, shocking, or informative. But what you really want to do is create an app that has features your customers will love, while at the same time is well branded and beautifully designed.
  * Recognition. The more often you can get customers involved with your app, the sooner they will be inclined to buy your product and/or service. In advertising this is called the “effective frequency”: as a rule of thumb, hearing and/or seeing your brand approximately 20 times is what will get you truly noticed.

5. Improve Customer Engagement
No matter whether you are selling flowers or spa services, your customers need a way to reach you. Having a messaging (or help desk) feature within your app can really make a difference in the way you communicate with your customers. Think about it: OpenTable, for example, built its entire business model around this principle. Instead of calling a restaurant for a table, you can book it with less than five clicks on their platform. Now think about it: How many customers would prefer to communicate with you via text than via phone?

6. Stand Out From the Competition
These days mobile apps at the small business level are still rare, and this is where you can take a big leap ahead of your competitors. Be the first in your neighborhood to offer a mobile app to your customers. They’ll be astonished by your forward-thinking approach!

7. Cultivate Customer Loyalty
Last, but not least, the most important reason why you should consider building your own mobile app is customer loyalty. With all the noise out there — roadside banners, billboards, flashing signs, newspaper ads, flyers, coupons, websites, website banners, Facebook ads, and email marketing — we slowly lose our impact on customers because of the immense amount of advertising surrounding us all. It’s time to go back to making a true and sincere connection with your customers, and making them a loyal lover of your product and/or service. I am not saying a mobile app is going to save your business, but it can be a way of staying closer to your customers, and being just a “fingertip” away at all times.

Check us out as and get your business mobile app today or contact me at

Saturday 27 June 2015

Comelite Mobile Apps Special Package at just Fraction of Price

Are you aware of the fact that mobile apps have completely changed the business scenario today
With billions of new apps being developed every day, the future has finally evolved.

Don’t you think it’s time that your business also develops an app? 
Now you’re probably thinking, NO! 
It’s too expensive for me, I’m just a small business, or I don’t have that much budget to spend…

Businesses are definitely missing out if they don’t have mobile presence.
Not only will their services go unnoticed, but they are also missing the great sales potential, not to mention its effectiveness and performance.
Offering ads in your app could get you 4-5 times more revenue than online ads would.

Now that you know the benefits, the question is how to get the right app?
Verifying the quality of an IT company can be a daunting task which could limit you to recommendations of a friend or you would need IT consultation.
Eventually, this could lock you to the local market and you’ll never know if you’ve got the best value for the price. Also, the app must be published on at least the two most popular platforms:
Android and iOS and this adds to the cost.
Besides that, mobile apps in business industries need to stay up-to-date and you can’t publish a new version of your app every time you want to update a change in price or service.
To handle all of these, you would need a hosting website, a Google Playstore account, an Apple App Store account etc.

Sounds too hectic too handle?

Like I said before, at Comelite, we have come up with a solution that addresses ALL your needs for just $500!
That’s right.
We do the hosting, app store publishing, multi-platform development – and with great, verifiable quality. 

Our Instant Business App plan allows you to enter the mobile business world only in two days – you pick the template, we publish the app. What better way to check the end result by seeing it upfront?

We are offering one of our most successful business apps at the fraction of the price to all those who wish to get a jump-start in this business. This app allows you to demonstrate your products, certifications, catalogs and other info to your clients.
It comes with a contact form and also allows you to show your stores on the map on Google Maps Directions which allows your users to navigate right to you.
All of this for just $500

This is how it’s done:
Day 1:
-     You pick the template that you want applied on your app
-     You offer us the app name, logo and descriptions
Day 2:
-    We offer you the completed app based on your request, and publish it. We also offer you back-end website access
You can browse our library of many design templates we offer, with new samples offered every month.
You may view our templates here:
Additionally, we accept changes to the color theme per your suggestions 

If you need any further features, we are open for suggestions.
We can extend the app in any way you need, adding push notifications, payment gateway integration, chat services etc.
Just give us a call to get your offer done.

Enter the mobile world and get your first business app at now!

* Please note that while we will instantly publish your app, it will take around 2 weeks for Apple to review and approve the app. This is beyond our control, but the Android app is usually released the same day we publish it in Google Playstore.