Sunday 23 August 2015

What is Your Logo Saying?

As with anything, humans are visual creatures. We can recall visual sites from memory more easily than words or sounds. This visualization process becomes useful for promoting a product. The more a person is exposed to a product, the more familiar the logo attached becomes.
This creates a lasting impression of the product in the back of the minds of consumers.

We are exposed to marketing nearly every second of the day, no matter where we are. At home, all of our appliances have logos on them. We have markers for brands in our cabinets, our refrigerators and bathrooms. We wear clothing that has brand logos on them, helping to market the product and the company. Our computers have brand logos and stickers on them, subtly helping us form a connection in our mind to a particular product.

Companies know that symbols work for people of all nationalities, languages and cultures. An iconic logo can be identified quickly and associated with a product.
Everyone practically from anywhere can quickly identify logos such as Nike’s check-mark, Apple’s bitten apple logo or McDonald’s golden arches.
Even if some people cannot think of the name but they know what it represents. This subliminal advertising creates brand loyalty from a picture.

When we're thinking about marketing and advertising, we think of banner ads, television and radio commercials, pictures in magazines and billboards.
We seldom think of the many brand markers and logos that are everywhere in society.
Nearly every product one sees, buys, or uses has a logo attached to it. These logos are not just pretty markers for the product, but carefully designed marks to allow someone to know the company and product subconsciously.

The Importance of Your Logo:

Companies spend thousands of dollars designing logos for their products.
They spend hundreds of dollars in copy-writing and trademarking their logos. Millions of dollars are spent per year promoting the icon through print and video advertisements.
For every dollar spent in design, marketing, and trademarking a logo, a company spends two dollars protecting that logo.

The connections between a symbol and a product allow for companies to build customer loyalty throughout the generations. So long as their products remain high quality and reasonably priced, these companies know that their iconography will keep customers returning for years to come.

So, get your brand, stationary and logo and make that impression. You want to be seen and heard? It's all about the logo. It really does all the talking...
Christina Bame


Sunday 16 August 2015

How to promote your business with IT Solutions: Still thinking of what to do to enhance your sales...

How to promote your business with IT Solutions: 

Still thinking of what to do to enhance your sales?

Are you constantly thinking of different ways to get your products and services noticed by as many people as possible without breaking the ...

Friday 14 August 2015

Still thinking of what to do to enhance your sales?

Are you constantly thinking of different ways to get your products and services noticed by as many people as possible without breaking the bank?
I think this is the question everyone thinks of and strives to be the best in, even small businesses.
Have you tried everything?
What's the answer and solution?

If you search the net, you'll probably find a million and one answers and suggestions on social media tips and views. Though they are all correct and essential, there's one element in marketing which one usually prefers not to consider:

Video production

Online video is growing exponentially, with over 4 billion videos viewed daily.
Using YouTube for your business can be a cost-effective way to grow it, if used regularly as part of your marketing strategy.
Using YouTube for your business can help you easily reach your audience, both by creating videos and advertising on other people’s videos

Well, it's very logical actually.
YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine and the 3rd most visited website WORLDWIDE

behind only Google and Facebook respectively.

How many people do you think visit YouTube on a monthly basis?
1 billion people each month globally!
That's 100 hours of video being uploaded every 60 seconds!

Now that I have your attention, you're probably thinking to yourself, what does this have to do with me? I'm a small business and none of this affects me.
As a matter of fact, as I mentioned earlier, small businesses are constantly thinking of getting their products and services in front of as many people as possible, all without exceeding their annual budget.
Using YouTube can be a cost-effective way to grow your business.

Still not sure if YouTube can help grow your business?
Here are 5 benefits that YouTube can provide to your business:

1- Video-streaming platforms like YouTube have become so big you’re guaranteed to find a group of people who will become your raving fans and customers, as long as you educate, entertain and provide solutions to their problems.
2- Marketing On YouTube will help you get found on Google
3- By utilizing YouTube as part of your marketing strategy for your business, you’re also increasing the authority of your website. The more authoritative your website is in Google’s eyes, the higher all your pages will rank in the search results
4- Associate your domain name with your YouTube channel.
Associating your website with your channel will tell YouTube that you are the official representation of your brand on YouTube. This results in more relevant video results pointing to your business when someone searches for your brand or terms relating to the services you offer.
5- Grow Your Audience Worldwide.
Consistently creating video content opens the door to new visitors who would never come across your business any other way. Through YouTube, you can reach a worldwide audience even if you only speak one language.

Thinking of creating a video? Contact me and we'll produce your marketing video in any way you want it: 

 2D, 3D info-graphic, typographic, whiteboard, commercial etc.