Thursday 1 June 2017

How to Reveiw Activities and Searches on your Gmail Account

Gmail saves all your activities.
Did you know that? Yup, Gmail accounts are smart and save all your activities. From your search till your YouTube videos.
Maybe you did, but I didn't...
I was surfing my gmail, seeing what cool features it has to offer and suddenly saw that all my YouTube and web searches are saved in my activity log! I didn't even know gmail had an activity log. There were like hundreds of searches I had made all saved there for my review. It's pretty cool to have that so you can go back to your previous searches if you don't remember what you had typed before but also kind of creepy.
Some people clear the search history of their browser everyday, well, seems that's not enough to clean your work, you also have another filter in your gmail where it's saving up your history.
So if you work while your gmail is constantly logged in, you can be sure all your activities are being saved in your account.
Gmail did inform us that it's saving our work, but I guess I never really cared.
Not that I do now, but for those who require deleting their history and searches, don't forget to clear your gmail as well.
I'm not sure about other account domains because I don't use them (I don't like them actually) but if you want to review your previous search, if you're logged in your gmail:
go to your picture on the top right hand side,
click my account and
go to My Activity.
There is a "bundle view" tap and an "item view" tap, whichever you click, it takes you to your search and YouTube history.
You can check out your previous activities, find your searches and use them again, or you can delete them.
Let me know if you have any questions or any other things you've learned which you think not many people know or care about.

Sunday 16 April 2017

When is the right time to get CRM for your Business?

I've had a few clients who tell me that they will implement their CRM once they start business or start getting customers. Why does this strike me as surprise? because it just shows that you don't believe in yourself and your company. Why start a business if you don't think you're going to drive in enough customers?

A few years back, I was working in a small business as sales manager, selling communication technology hardware and we didn’t have a CRM. I had to keep track of all my contacts, their contacts and clients in an excel sheet and make different archive folders in my outlook account.
Now you can imagine how drastic that was!
I kept telling our manager that this system needs a CRM, I can’t keep track of my leads or clients like this….till we finally got a simple and practically free CRM. 

Mission accomplished ! 

You think? Nope
I still faced so many problem. I couldn’t send emails, archive my leads, call and record the calls I made and I just got lost in all the different data I was receiving every day.
My outlook archive was more up to date than my CRM!
Cheap work isn’t good and good work isn’t cheap!
So there we were again in the battlefield, cheap vs quality…something I’m seeing repeat all over again with my clients.
Everyone’s looking for the solution to be handed to them on a silver plate but of course, with cheap prices.
Any product/content producer worth their salt should know how to "trim the fat" without "damaging the flesh"
This is what I’ve learned from my 14 years of marketing.
there will always be someone who says that they can do it cheaper, but at what cost?
So if you ask me, yes, there will always be someone who promises you to do the work cheaper, but will they be giving the quality end result you’re looking for?

On the other hand, if you’re starting a business, if you believe in your business, if you believe in your product and value your leads, your clients and your work, then why are you wasting your time on excel sheets? Why archiving your files in places that only you know how to find?
Any business starts out with a foundation of great customer relationships. You and your seller connect with the people that need your product.

And as your company grows, these business connections grow more sophisticated. It’s not just a transaction between the buyer and seller. You start to manage countless connections across time, within each company you do business with. You need to share information across various teams within your own organization who are making contact with the same customers.

Yet, you still don’t have your CRM and the list is just getting longer and more complicated.
For those who feel that they’re on the same page as me right now…be ready for that sales co-worker or marketer or even account manager to start knocking your door and complaining or start receiving inaccurate updates on your revenue and business income….
You want my personal experience? Save time on meetings, fishing through various documents and content and start investing on something that can automate all that info for you and help you focus on the real needs of your business.

A CRM system is a vital nerve center to manage the many connections that happen throughout the growth of your business.

And if you have the right system from the beginning, your CRM can quickly expand to include more sophisticated features to help teams collaborate with colleagues and customers, send customized emails, gather insights from social media conversations, and get a complete picture of your business health in real time, which at the end of the day, will give you a clear picture on the growth, success and revenue of your business.

Monday 26 December 2016

How can small businesses overcome the daily challenges

There are many different answers to this question, but what first comes in mind is the very basic of each business. Your CRM.
When we think of CRM, the first thing we think of is the time consuming work, servers, training of employees and the amount of money that has to be spent to install it! Is it really worth it?
Well, coming to think of it, how much time do you spend on gathering your company info? Whither it be your prospects, clients, financial reports, etc.?
When you’re called in for meetings, the preparation for the meeting takes up more time than the presentation itself because of all the different reports you have to gather and present, not to mention the different devices you have to take with you…Oh, and are they all updated?
The second concern that comes in mind is the size of the company. Many businesses think that since they’re small or very new, so there’s no need for a CRM. All can be done by hand and spreadsheets are the answer to all problems and charts.
Sorry to break it to you but business is business, no matter your size and number of employees. You still have the same headaches when it comes to finance, leads and reports. The only difference is bigger enterprises have employees for each department while smaller companies have one person who does it all.
Even if you start off with a small system, eventually you need to upgrade it and might end up changing the whole system…
In business, you always have to keep your head above water and think smart, towards the future, not just see what you have in front of you. So start smart from the beginning and go big in time.
Business owners tackle operational challenges, including sales decline, high client attrition, and misalignment between corporate revenue targets and salespeople’s commission policies, especially small businesses. As a small business owner, the last thing you want is to lose income by targeting the wrong customer segment, an indication for slender margins down the road.
Hence, the right CRM solution will improve your company’s customer service practices, helping employees respond to clients’ queries quickly and effectively.
Think big, there’s so much you have to handle that it’s not worth wasting your time on paperwork.

What are your challenges?

Sunday 1 May 2016

Need to Orgainze and Manage your Business?

What makes your business run smoothly and what makes it more frustrating?
Putting aside daily tasks and even arguments, what makes things more frustrating is not having a seamless system to organize and manage the daily workflow.
Sometimes, the end of months or even quarters are nightmares. You can guess why!
It's because nothing as it should be.
No support for reports, workflow or even financial issues. Your sales forecasts are based more on guesswork than solid figures
Your business is having trouble keeping up with its order volume and customer satisfaction is faltering as a result. You have no idea how much inventory you have in your warehouse, and it's a pain to find out.

Obviously, your company has no backbone and if this sounds like your business—or close to it—then it may be time to consider an ERP system.

management system
 Even though change is hard and what's worst, is  adapting to the new system, but which is more of a setback for you?

Organizing your internal workflow saves time and as they say, Time Is Money!

The more you lose time in trying to organize business, the more you're losing money.

So stop wasting that precious energy and start investing right.

Every company is unique, there's no single indicator that says, "You need ERP now!" However, the companies that would benefit most from ERP software and accurate management systems often face similar problems and frustrations.
Organize yourself, take risks and from there, you can feel positive change towards your business.

Is your business facing some of these same issues? Then consider upgrading and managing your system.

Contact me at:

Friday 27 November 2015

How well is your ‪Website Developed?

Ask yourself, is it mobile responsive?
More than 51% of online visitors are using mobile devices to connect. Google actually penalizes websites that are not responsive and websites that lack in this domain are losing the greatest share of the market.

Not to mention the impact of your social media links,
Social media is an inseparable phenomenon of the online life we live today. Websites lacking links to your social media accounts are doomed to be isolated and ignored.

Last but not least, do you keep your visitors waiting?
Load time is very critical for a website; if any visitor trying to check out your link has to wait and look at a white page and read the “loading” message, there’s a great potential that the “5-seconds-chance” times out and you lose another opportunity.

 On the other hand, having a short load time doesn’t mean you’re doing well!
This might come from a very low usage of tools and images.
Hence, the most important rule here is, being user-friendly and making everything faster and easier.

Want to see how well you're performing online:
Go to "" & check your website there.
You will see what’s behind the scenes and how it is performing.

You think you're not abiding and losing visitors? Contact Comelite and we'll bring your customers to your site.

Sunday 23 August 2015

What is Your Logo Saying?

As with anything, humans are visual creatures. We can recall visual sites from memory more easily than words or sounds. This visualization process becomes useful for promoting a product. The more a person is exposed to a product, the more familiar the logo attached becomes.
This creates a lasting impression of the product in the back of the minds of consumers.

We are exposed to marketing nearly every second of the day, no matter where we are. At home, all of our appliances have logos on them. We have markers for brands in our cabinets, our refrigerators and bathrooms. We wear clothing that has brand logos on them, helping to market the product and the company. Our computers have brand logos and stickers on them, subtly helping us form a connection in our mind to a particular product.

Companies know that symbols work for people of all nationalities, languages and cultures. An iconic logo can be identified quickly and associated with a product.
Everyone practically from anywhere can quickly identify logos such as Nike’s check-mark, Apple’s bitten apple logo or McDonald’s golden arches.
Even if some people cannot think of the name but they know what it represents. This subliminal advertising creates brand loyalty from a picture.

When we're thinking about marketing and advertising, we think of banner ads, television and radio commercials, pictures in magazines and billboards.
We seldom think of the many brand markers and logos that are everywhere in society.
Nearly every product one sees, buys, or uses has a logo attached to it. These logos are not just pretty markers for the product, but carefully designed marks to allow someone to know the company and product subconsciously.

The Importance of Your Logo:

Companies spend thousands of dollars designing logos for their products.
They spend hundreds of dollars in copy-writing and trademarking their logos. Millions of dollars are spent per year promoting the icon through print and video advertisements.
For every dollar spent in design, marketing, and trademarking a logo, a company spends two dollars protecting that logo.

The connections between a symbol and a product allow for companies to build customer loyalty throughout the generations. So long as their products remain high quality and reasonably priced, these companies know that their iconography will keep customers returning for years to come.

So, get your brand, stationary and logo and make that impression. You want to be seen and heard? It's all about the logo. It really does all the talking...
Christina Bame


Sunday 16 August 2015

How to promote your business with IT Solutions: Still thinking of what to do to enhance your sales...

How to promote your business with IT Solutions: 

Still thinking of what to do to enhance your sales?

Are you constantly thinking of different ways to get your products and services noticed by as many people as possible without breaking the ...