Thursday 25 June 2015

How to get your busines mobile app in 2 days

Mobile users have bypassed the number of desktop users as this report from comScore shows.
So it's no longer a case of asking whether mobile marketing is important, we know it is!

Don't let me tell you, just take a look at some of the statistics that show this trend:

1) Mobile devices are becoming omnipresent across the globe.
• 1 in 5 people in the world own a smartphone (Source: BI Intelligence)
• 1 in 17 people in the world own a tablet (Source: BI Intelligence)

2) Consumer appetite is growing because app retention and engagement have improved.
• There are 224 million monthly active app users in the US (Source: Search Engine Journal)
• In Q4 of 2014, apps were opened more than 10 times per month (higher than Q4 of 2013)

3) Mobile is winning the battle for consumer time in key categories, like social networking and entertainment.
• Total mobile engagement on social has grown 55% in the past year (Source: comScore)

4) Brands are investing more in mobile ads because they perform better than online ads.
• Mobile ads perform 4-5 times better than online ads (Source: HubSpot)

5) Mobile app revenue and the number of m-commerce transactions completed in apps will be higher than ever.
• 74% of smartphone users use their phone to help with shopping (Source: HubSpot)
• Global mobile app revenues are expected to grow to 76.52 billion US dollars in 2017 (Source: Statista)

So, it's time to get your business an app. Let me know your comments.

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